
Published: 12 Jan 2024
Author: cpgroupglobal.com
Type: Member Spotlight

Charoen Pokphand Group Co., Ltd. (C.P. Group) operates under the “Three-Benefit Principle,,其中指出,该集团必须努力不仅为自己带来利益, 但最重要的是我们所在的国家和社区. For this reason, 该集团认识到解决日益扩大的不平等问题的重要性,这已成为各国政府面临的系统性风险, societies, and businesses across the globe. Inequality fuels distrust in economic and political systems, leads to greater unrest, and exacerbates the impact of crises. To ensure that we can grow sustainably alongside society, 该集团发起了一些重要项目,以解决不平等问题, especially in finance and healthcare.

Across many parts of Asia and the developing world, 在为所有人提供公平的医疗保健服务方面,各国面临许多挑战. In Thailand, 患者面临的最大障碍之一是获得医疗保健专业人员的帮助, with only 800 doctors per million people, and this is even starker in rural areas, where there are less than two doctors for every 10,000 people. 对于居住在偏远地区的泰国48%的人口来说, 长途旅行和有时高昂的医疗费用所造成的沉重财政负担限制了获得基本保健的机会. 即使在城市里,繁忙的交通也会给病人及时接受紧急护理带来挑战.

CP Group, through its subsidiaries, 是否正在努力通过创新和技术来缓解这些挑战.

Smart healthcare platform: 为了直接解决医疗保健访问的挑战,CP的True Digital Group引入了一个 all-in-one smart healthcare platform linking online and offline health services. MorDee移动应用程序的用户可以对医疗症状进行关键字搜索,然后与相关医疗专家联系, 包括与500多家领先机构建立远程会诊,并接受在线治疗建议. Post-consultation, 他们可以使用这款应用向雇主申请病假或保险,甚至订购送货上门的药品. Within the Thai capital Bangkok and surrounds, 配送时间可能不到两个小时一天,而偏远省份的配送时间可能更短.

通常冗长的保险交易和索赔文书工作也可以通过MorDee移动应用程序加快. True与NHSO国家医疗保障办公室的合作关系, Insurance Association, and others, including AIA, Allianz Ayudhya, CHUBB, 海洋人寿和保德信人寿保险使申请更容易,理赔处理更快.

通过"真健康角"分散线下医疗服务选择: For individuals without smartphones, 设在零售店的售货亭使这些社区无需前往最近的医院或医疗机构即可获得医疗保健服务. 市民可接受基本的健康检查, have online consultations with physicians, 并通过“真健康角落”的智能镜子等综合尖端技术购买处方药, thereby reducing related medical costs.

Saving lives through rapid responses and smart connectivity: 在提供拯救生命所需的必要医疗服务方面,交通延误可能是一个巨大的障碍. In the case of emergency situations, 三分之一的危重病人死在送往医院的救护车上. 这个问题在曼谷这样的城市尤为普遍 ranked 15th out of the 390 cities surveyed worldwide for the most traffic congestion.

To enable quick critical responses, True Health与Siriraj医院(泰国和亚太地区医疗创新领域的领先医疗机构)合作, to develop an Emergency Response (or Smart EMS Platform).

  • 一旦拨打全国热线1669,病人的位置就会被自动追踪. 救护车车队管理系统监控司机和反应速度, 与当地训练有素的志愿者组织协调,第一时间到达现场提供急救服务.
  • Once in the ambulance, 然后使用5G连接将患者的实时信息传递给医院, including vital signs, video images and medical records. 这样,医护人员就可以在病人到达急诊室之前做好准备, which greatly improves their chances of survival. 救护车上的连接也可用于与专家进行远程咨询,以提供实时和全面的急救治疗.

事实证明,这一过程非常有效,泰国最大的4所医学院已与CP合作,在每个省级地区扩大这一平台:瓦奇拉(普吉岛), CMU (Chiang Mai), Provincial Org. (Samut Prakan), Banpheo (Samut Sakhon). Partnering with leading healthcare institutions, the platform has potential to save up to 40,000 lives during medical emergencies each year.

透过远程医疗数码辅助,提高病人管理效率; 在泰国,阻碍获得福利的一个重大挑战是公立医院对病人的管理效率低下. Recognizing this, “真健康”已经设立了远程诊所,以帮助简化员工的护理工作, enhance queue efficiency, refine patient coordination, with monitor bed availability, and conduct critical care analysis in the works. True Health worked with Chulalongkorn Hospital, 哪家医院因声誉卓著而吸引了来自农村地区的患者, to tackle their medical staff’s workload. 这个系统几乎完全消除了传统的文书工作,大大减轻了护士的工作量. 它还实现了员工和护士管理系统的数字化, 促进医疗专业人员之间的有效合作.

The journey to achieving equitable healthcare takes time, 但我们的目标是提高泰国及其他地区所有人的福祉, 正大集团相信,创新和技术可以在患者护理方面做出重大贡献.

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