
发表: 2023年5月29日
作者: 托马斯·德洛森,运输部主管 & wbcd的流动性, Mariia Skupova, 埃森哲的正规博彩十大网站排名战略, 莫莉Blatchly-Lewis, 欧洲领先-城市, 运输 & 埃森哲的基础设施
类型: 洞察力
  • 作为2019年欧盟绿色协议的补充内容, 绿色交易工业计划 是在2023年推出的. 的 goal is to scale up manufacturing of clean technologies in the EU and make sure the Union is well-equipped for the clean-energy transition.
  • 的 new Green Deal Industrial plan is a key milestone in preparing European industry for a successful net-zero transition. 的 plan highlights the importance of collaboration in scaling up the existing supply chain and further promotes the integrated and flexible energy system to enable faster and more efficient transition. 此外,它还强调了脱碳对竞争性商业的重要性.
  • 该计划设定了雄心勃勃的目标,但实现这些目标面临重大挑战. 水务署的开关计划 aims to scale up the operational decarbonization by removing key bottlenecks on the way to the faster and more efficient transition to a low-carbon future while providing access to knowledge, 网络和实用工具. It can support the implementation of 绿色交易工业计划 by mobilizing the private sector and acting as an incubator for impactful public-private partnerships.

作为欧盟绿色协议的补充,欧盟的绿色协议工业计划于2023年2月公布, aims to support European industry in enabling a net-zero transition and accelerate decarbonization by scaling up clean-tech manufacturing.

随着欧盟净零排放政策的格局将发生巨大变化, a holistic approach to electrification and decarbonization is essential in bringing these policies to life.

“我们有一个千载难逢的机会来快速展示道路, ambition and a sense of purpose to secure the EU's industrial lead in the fast-growing net-zero technology sector. 欧洲决心引领清洁技术革命. 为了我们的公司和人民, 这意味着将技能转化为高质量的工作,将创新转化为大规模生产, 多亏了一个更简单、更快的框架. 更好的融资渠道将使我们的关键清洁技术产业迅速扩大规模.——乌苏拉·冯德莱恩,欧盟委员会主席

建筑, transport and energy are the key pillars of physical infrastructure and act as the backbone of our daily operations. If we approach the decarbonization of these three pillars together – via an integrated approach – the impact will be greater than when we work in siloes. 它可以帮助终端用户降低资本密集度, 寻找切实提高能源效率的方法, 切实加速转型, 嵌入弹性.

开关, 由水务署提供动力, 指导组织利用综合方法的好处来实现低碳运营. 的 开关项目 is a cross-sector platform that provides practical tools and access to a global network to support operational decarbonization that spans buildings, 交通运输和清洁能源.


作为欧洲绿色协议的一部分, the European Commission has set ambitious targets in the areas of electrification and energy transitions. 现在关键的挑战是 及时的交货. 的 EU Green Deal Industrial Plan seeks to address this by scaling up innovative technological solutions that can support the green transition of the existing supply chain through collaboration and further integration of energy value chains.

的 Plan highlights that during the rapid ramp-up required to meet the hardware and software demands of the low-carbon economy, 至关重要的是,不要忽视未来的系统目标, 弹性和透明度.

Data sharing is a lynchpin in delivering these goals and making the ambitious goals of the EU Green Deal and Green Deal Industrial Plan a reality. 获取高质量数据对能源用户和供应商都有帮助 通过开发整体业务案例, 创造合适的融资工具,理解长期价值. This will enable more agile responses to future shifting demand and provide critical input for robust value chains.

“合作”经常被认为是低碳转型背后的关键驱动力, 这是有充分理由的——如此复杂的转型不可能由单一行业或部门推动. 绿色交易产业计划强调了这一点 脱碳也是商业竞争不可或缺的一部分.

最近 研究 《正规博彩十大网站》和《正规博彩十大网站》研究了整合方法的影响, 跨越建筑物的解决方案, 运输和清洁能源在整个墨西哥的食品部门, 肯尼亚, 西班牙, 英国和澳大利亚. 他们发现实施可再生分布式能源系统(DES), 整合当地能源生产、建筑环境和交通使用, 展示所分析的所有国家的经济机会, 为客户省钱,使企业能够对自身进行再投资. 能源 security has become a significant concern in the current geopolitical situation due to cost volatility and availability. 随着我们走向日益电气化的工业和生活方式, 除了可靠的供应外,能源系统的灵活性将变得越来越重要. 的 EU Green Deal explicitly mentions energy integration as a major working area and 绿色交易工业计划 aims 进一步推进综合灵活能源体系建设. 在这种情况下, 能源系统集成意味着连接各种能源载体和终端使用部门, 比如建筑, 运输或工业. 这将使整个能源系统得到优化, 而不是试图在每个部门独立实现脱碳和效率提高.


Take the example of transport electrification; manufacturers and operators are increasingly pivoting to electric vehicles (EV) and the energy sector is racing to supply the charging infrastructure.  然而, 电动汽车电池还没有发挥出最大的优势, 因为它们可以有效地作为有价值的移动存储设备. 交通工具之间的综合方法, 能源和建筑环境可以开启丰富的可能性. 在可以利用的地方生产可再生能源, 在便宜的时候储存, and adding flexibility and resilience at a system scale through vehicle-to-building and vehicle-to-grid technology offer environmental and financial benefits across industries.

综合系统对于实现各行业的低成本脱碳至关重要. 根据欧盟绿色计划, the targets set by the EU Commission in these related areas are particularly ambitious: 90% reduction in transport-related emissions by 2050; double annual energy system upgrade rates in 10 years; and 45% of energy demand covered by renewables by 2030. 的 pace of transformation required to achieve these bold imperatives makes this already complex topic even more challenging to implement.


A holistic approach to decarbonization is key to avoid the EU Green Deal becoming a conglomeration of temporary fixes. 补贴是激励市场变革的重要第一步, 虽然, 必须证明在补贴期满后仍有持续的商业机会.

例如, 欧盟战略旨在推动一体化的旗舰项目, 通过欧盟层面的融资项目推动碳中和产业集群. 虽然这可能是早期集成的一个很好的催化剂, companies must realize the financial gain and emissions reduction potential for these interventions to continue and become profitable.

开关项目 helps to close the implementation gap on low carbon operations through integrated approaches to buildings, 流动性和能量. 它为投资脱碳建立了令人信服的商业案例, shapes sustainable commercial models and mobilizes projects through cross-industry collaboration and data-driven decision-making. 

交换机提供访问 知识、网络和工具 帮助企业充分利用向净零排放的过渡, 使他们能够利用绿色交易工业计划带来的结构性转变.


  • 能源效率-节省高达30%的成本[1]
  • 生产力-减少25-30%的资本支出和运营成本[2]  
  • 可持续性-减少20%的二氧化碳足迹[3] 在建立韧性的同时.


加入 开关.

有关如何参与的更多信息,请联系 托马斯·德洛森,运输部主管 & 流动性WBCSD.





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